Cinthya García Leyva is a researcher and cultural manager. Her work focuses on interdisciplinary practices and extended poetics. Her most recent research is dedicated to exploring the notions of erasure, erosion, residue and rewriting in contemporary textualities. She studied guitar at the National School of Music and Language and Hispanic Letters at the UNAM Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. She has a Master’s in Comparative Literature from the same institution and is preparing her doctorate with the project The Power of Now: The Poetics and Politics of Legibility in Sound Art. She has made multiple individual and collective interventions in spaces such as the University Museum of Contemporary Art, El Chopo University Museum, Radio UNAM, the Digital Culture Center, the Design and Architecture Archive, the Spanish Cultural Center in Mexico, the National Phonotheque, Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola, the Claustro de Sor Juana University, Palacio de Bellas Artes,