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When You Whistle, It Makes Air Come Out
, 2019
Installation. LED-display (55 inch) on a tripod, colour,
loudspeaker on a tripod, audio
Duration: 7'30", in loop

This installation is inspired by The Child’s Conception of Physical Causality (1927), a book by Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, which is filled with experimental ideas for probing into the most sophisticated ways of thinking in children of various ages.

Ana Torfs was especially interested in the section that deals with children’s pre-causal explanations of the origins of wind and of breath. The answers they give to questions as: Where does the wind come from?, What happens when you blow?, Why does one breathes?, Where does the air in your mouth comes from? are both innocent and surprising. The artist set their responses on the strips of an old light-box, and filmed the sequences to the rhythm of her own breathing.

go to Echo’s Bones/Were Turned to Stone, 2020