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Brossa constellations

‘I see research as a journey into the unknown, a plunge into the mirror of the imagination, so I can’t foresee where my present experiments will lead or what I will think in a few years time. For now I’ll continue to push forward the normal means of perception in search of new spaces of sensibility. I accept the past because it has led me to the present, and the future depends on the present.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Glória Picazo y Josep Miquel G. Cortés: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa’ in Joan Brossa. La creació artística com a qüestionament. Debates held at IVAM on 18–19 May 1990. Generalitat Valenciana, 1990.

‘When asked which work I like most, I always reply that it’s the one that hasn’t been done yet. I understand creation as an adventure, a parabola that opens itself up to infinity, forming a curve that should never be closed.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Assumpta Bassas: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa’, Revista de l'alumnat de l'Escola d'Arts i Oficis, no. 5, January–March 1988.