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‘I’m essentially a poet. I work in different fields but my starting point is always poetry. All I do is move along different channels. Deciding which channel to use is an automatic, unconscious process. Sometimes I do literary poetry and at others I feel like doing visual poetry. When a poet has something to say, he can express it in different languages, but it will always be poetry. My theatre production, for instance, is performance poetry because it needs the fourth dimension of the theatre. Mine is not a declamatory theatre, or literary in the strict sense of the word. It is a theatre where the text has the same poetic importance as the tempo of the curtain going up and down or the colour of a ballerina’s leotard. Everything is closely related, like the lyrics and music in a song.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Jordi Jané: ‘Joan Brossa, un multiplista a Londres’, El Temps, no. 441, November 1992.

‘Any event is good to fire the imagination. Always be open, a state that cannot always be maintained (…) Art does not consist of explaining things.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Ramón Lladó: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa: el poeta en estat d'aventura’, El Temps, 11 June 1990.

‘Poetry and magic are the same. Art is basically a metamorphosis, and so is magic at another level. But sadly, neither the magicians nor the poets are aware of it.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Marta Nadal: ‘Joan Brossa: un poeta atípic’, Serra d’or, no. 373, January 1991.

‘Games must be transcended. Theatre must be reinvented (we’re still doing Greek tragedy!). Illusion is a motor that must be preserved. Magic must be understood as a need for change. Dreams don’t need to be coloured in. For a creator, chance is an important factor: it opens up a world of possibilities against the poverty of limitations. The absurd must be patched up. And reality must have open windows: it is a point of departure, not of arrival.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Glòria Picazo and Josep Miquel G. Cortés: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa’ in Joan Brossa. La creació artística com a qüestionament. Debates held at IVAM on 18–19 May 1990. Generalitat Valenciana, 1990.

‘Visual poetry means investigating an unknown area between the visual and the semantic. This is an area yet to be defined. It is neither drawing nor painting but a means of communication.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Assumpta Bassas: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa’, Revista de l'alumnat de l'Escola d'Arts i Oficis, no. 5, January–March 1988.

‘Visual poetry allows the poem to leave the book and be translated into another dimension. It’s not just about changing media and writing verses on a wall or a fence, but about finding a new poetic structure between visualisation and semantics.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Ramón Lladó: ‘Entrevista a Joan Brossa: el poeta en estat d'aventura’, El Temps, 11 June 1990.

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