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A visual recapitulation 

‘Visual poetry, like literary poetry, has different colours. A poem can be lyric, ironic, epic. Depending on what you want to express, you use one language or another, or different techniques and materials. You can go from utilitarian language to magic. I actually made a cybernetic sestina once. A sestina is a very complex medieval form.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Arnal Ballester: ‘Com fer una roda quadrada’, La Il·lustració. Revista molt il·lustrada de l'Associació Professional d'Il·lustradors de Catalunya, no. 1, November-December 1994.

‘But visual poetry has followed a process in my work. I began to say things through language, which is very important, but it came a time when I adopted an anti-rhetoric formula, trying to focus on reality but with a minimum of adjectives, because I’m interested in the head, not the wig. This led me to a detailed description of the object, and that’s only one step away from visual poetry.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Albert Macià: ‘Joan Brossa’, Avui (Barcelona), 27 December 1989.

‘I have plenty of objects. For example, I have one that is a light bulb and on the bulb is written: “POEM.” Sure, people have the reference of the bulb, but not the connotation of the word POEM on the bulb. There is an element of shock. A change of support. I think it’s an extension of visual poetry on paper, to make it on the object.’

Joan Brossa in interview with Josep Mercadé Riamba: ‘Joan Brossa parla de la poesia visual’, Revista de Catalunya, no. 141, June 1999.  

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