The TDV frequently took up the figure of the so-called chavo banda as the protagonist of the late-twentieth-century urban revolution, depicting this trope in paintings and rendering it in neo-pop silkscreen prints.

Antonio Salazar (1956–2016), Gabriel Astror Rocha (s.f.), Rubén Gómez-Tagle (s.f.), Gustavo Guevara (s.f.), Francisco Marcial Castro (1970), Victor Hugo Martínez (s.f.), Enrique Méndez (1970), Israel Mora Lara (1968), Marco Aulio Prado (s.f.), Sergio Carlos Rey (1959), Ricardo Serrano Cornejo (1966), Carlos Veloz (s.f.)
Hasta atrás, 1989
In the Back
Acrylic on canvas
Gift of Antonio Salazar Bañuelos, 2011