Nivel de confianza
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Level of Confidence
Lozano-Hemmer’s critical approach to systems of control and subjectivity-production through technology has always sought to understand their complexity. His objective is to take over or “hack” them from the inside, often including the viewer’s body in the equation.

To mark the six months since the forced disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teachers’ college, Lozano-Hemmer reprogrammed a facial recognition system—normally used to locate criminal suspects—to search for the missing students. Once a person is registered by the camera, the system seeks biometrical overlaps with the students’ faces and selects whomever shares the greatest number of features before determining a percentage of certainty in its discovery. This experience questions our condition as subjects of new technologies of control, as well as our ethical and personal relationship with victims of state violence.
Nivel de confianza, 2015
Level of Confidence
Facial recognition algorithms, computer, screen, and webcam
Gift of the artist, in process, 2020