Episode 04 · Monsters from a Greenish Blue Fire - MUAC

Episode 04 · Monsters from a Greenish Blue Fire

Dear guest, reserve your spot at this Dadaistic, free jazz homage in sound to the Mexican chemist Mario Molina. We are preparing a radio play in four acts for you, featuring the artists and musicians Fernando Caridi, Julián Huerta and Carlos Icaza.

This episode is a collaboration with the UNAM's 2002 El Aleph Festival of Art and Science.

Episode 03 · Complicating the World: Cosmopolitical Visits with Johannes Neurath - MUAC

Episode 03 · Complicating the World: Cosmopolitical Visits with Johannes Neurath

After a pandemic hiatus, we talked with anthropologist Johannes Neurath about Wixárika rituals and dances, as well as recent exhibitions where the concept of cosmopolitics has disrupted the fields of Mexican history and art. With this episode, and intoxicated by the songs of Wirikuta, we launch our line of abysmal tours.

This episode was produced in collaboration with El Aleph: Festival de Arte y Ciencia 2021 as part of the UNAM's México 500 program.

Episode 02 · Tales of Unknown Frequencies: An interview with infrasonica.org - MUAC

Episode 02 · Tales of Unknown Frequencies: An interview with infrasonica.org

In this episode, we spoke with Pablo José Ramírez, Sam Simon and Eloisa Travaglini, the editors and founders of infrasonica.org, a digital platform for non-Western cultures. The conversation rambles through explorations of frequencies that are unknown or imperceptible to the human ear through concepts such as infrasound, sonic realism, acoustemology and silence. Between these tales, we hear sound pieces by Raven Chacon, Noé Martínez, Lorenzo Aillapán Cayuleo “El hombre pájaro” with Patricia Domínguez, Nicole L’Huillier and José Pérez de Arce, and a mysterious circumpolar "bloop."

Produced as part of the UNAM's #México500 program.

Episode 01 · The Traps of the Divan - MUAC

Episode 01 · The Traps of the Divan

If a cyborg from the future were to find a divan, what would it see? In this episode, Cuauhtémoc Medina has a conversation with Manuel Hernández, who practices psychoanalysis in Mexico City. As a result of the publication of the latest issue of Litoral magazine, where Hernández is the editor, we wander through the history and debates of the psychoanalytic dispositif, the fissures of the practice during the pandemic and critical issues when exercising the profession in territories that were once colonized.

This episode forms part of the program México 500.

Reliquias del antropoceno · Trailer - MUAC

Reliquias del antropoceno · Trailer

Is it possible to imagine the black screens of human devices as smoking mirrors from beyond the grave? And what about the tales of the end of the world? New millenarianisms open their claws to frozen turtles and lizards.

From Alaska to Patagonia voices and questions haunt us.

Songs and acoustics of scattered and fragmented realities. Enough questions to inaugurate a second dossier, “Relics of the Anthropocene.”

Soon returns the Grand Abyss Hotel.