Two espressos in separate cups
Considering cinema as a visual and aural experience, Israel Martínez offers a listening encounter that springs from the contemporary films which have had an influence on him, where silences, moments and the sonorous aspects of cinema seem contingent, involuntary and accidental.

Two espressos in separate cups brings an immediate reference to a Jim Jarmusch film, but also creates a distinction in the experience while also a poetics. The cinematographer’s experience, vision and sound, is different from that generated by the autonomy of the eye and the ear, such as the difference of drinking two espressos in separate cups, rather than a double espresso. Through digital processes, the composition originates in the theater to distance itself from its referent; the sound is no longer a representation of the image, but of itself.
This work explores the dynamic possibilities offered by the Sound Experimentation Space, distributing its gestures through all of the 22.2 channels that comprise them, offering the spectator to stay voluntarily minutes or hours inside the room, by achieving a flexible structure with the expressiveness of silence and the movements of the composition. The artist deliberately avoids the linearity of a beginning and end; instead chooses to simulate a certain randomness and spontaneity in the arrangements, emulating the cinematographic sound approaching the acousomatic tradition where the sound source is not obvious, while distance himself from the already traditional 5.1 system.

Artista: Israel Martínez (México, 1979)
Sonido multicanal, 2011