In Classical Greece, a trilogy was a set of three interlinked tragedies by a single playwright. Meanwhile, timbre refers to the quality of a musical note, sound, or tone that refers to the source of emission of the noise, marking it out from other possibilities.

Trilogía para tres timbres (Trilogy for Three Timbres) comprises three elements that refer to three senses: a sculptural component, an auditory one, and an olfactory one, inviting the visitor to an immersive experience, a crossover of the senses, and an urgent reinterpretation of the recent history of migration and the dreadful events that accompany it.

Artist: Oswaldo Maciá (Colombia, 1960)
Curator: Marco Morales Villalobos
Multi-channel sound installatio, 2016

Translation: Fionn Petch, Celorio Morayta, servicio especializado de idiomas