Rather like an archaeological excavation, the exhibition uses as evidence the different strata or layers of meaning that must be taken into consideration when exploring the dynamics inherent in systems of capitalist production.  It brings together a total of eighteen works by thirteen creators of  different nationalities.  

Among other matters, it speculates on what effects changes in production systems have on workers, on the relocation of Henry Ford’s model of assembly-line production to parts of the world new to capitalism, and on symbolic exchanges taking place in the contemporary industrial landscape, or transformations in the urban ecosystem and in the appearance itself of contemporary factories.


Curator: Alberto Sánchez Balmisa
Associate curator:  Alejandra Labastida

Exhibition coproduced by the Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida, and the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM, in collaboration with the Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX) and the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación (AECID) del Gobierno de España.



Una fábrica, una máquina, un cuerpo...

Authors : José Luis Barrios, Octavi Comeron, Antoni Jové, Glòria Picazo, Alberto Sánchez Balmisa

Language : Spanish, English, Catalan

Editor: MUAC-UNAM / Centre d’art la panera

Price: $450