The aim of this digital forum is to build a constellation of essays, live lectures, panels and studio visits that debate the relationship between Indigeneity and contemporary art.

Geopoetics: Considers Indigenous cultural practices in relation to a critique of colonial discourses of belonging where the territorial order of the nation-state is reconfigured around notions of Indigenous sovereignties.

October 13 - 15
+ Zoom registration here

Chronotopes: Explores the relationship between ancestrality and future, observing the discursive formations of contemporary Indigenous art and tracing trajectories of racialization and class struggle. 

October 20 - 22
+ Zoom registration here

Enunciations: Critically examines the epistemic universes and ideological complicities that have contributed to form the practices and theory around the notion of indigeneity.

October 27 - 29
+ Zoom registration here

All live events are free.
Registered participants can access Zoom and participate in the Q&A sessions.



This Event is organized by Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational and the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC).
