Carlos Bunga
Carlos Bunga sets up a series of rules that allow him to generate both mental and real spaces in which the conceptual and objectual dimension intersect. His ephemeral installations are generated from a process of direct confrontation with the space.

Hay Khôra, pero la Khôra no existe.
Jacques Derrida, Kôra.
Bunga works without prior plans or blueprints using the gallery as an experimental laboratory. The work, which is always an open unfinished result, germinates within a game of mutual occupation where Bunga seems to produce as well as receive from the space he intervenes.
Khôra reflects precisely on the relationship between giving place and receiving: a space that receives without appropriation and a receptacle that is not reduced to what it receives. By taking this mysterious concept of the work of Plato, Bunga allows himself to suggest a dissident movement to the imperative of intelligibility of Western´s civilization. Khôra is the name of a mise en abyme, a gap emerged in the very heart of philosophy.
In Plato's Timaeus, this term challenges the principle of non-contradiction that states, as we know, that a proposition and its negation cannot both be true at the same time. As described by the philosopher Jacques Derrida, Khôra seems to be neither this nor that, and sometimes both this and that. A giving place which is a constant oscillation between exclusion and participation.

It is an abyss by excess, by dislocation, by possibility; an imprint holder of elusive and anachronistic properties whose only singularity is the ability to always escape determination. It has no form, it is not sensible, nor intelligible, under the premises of the philosophical paradigm it does not exist, although it has accompanied it from the beginning. Naming it in this exerciseis not a contraposition since Khôra does not offer itself to a binary logic, but it summones other ways of receiving and being received within the museum´s rational space. Opening up to them requires to renounce to any categorization or intelligibility support and to lean into the abyss without a safety net.

This projects takes part of Sexta Sur, a new curatorial program that brings together four solo exhibitions each year by emerging artists from both Mexico and abroad, with the aim of creating a platform for alternatives and experimentation that enables a flow of divergent and spontaneous interventions that form an authentic dialogue.
Artist: Carlos Bunga (Portugal, 1976)
A co-production with the Museo Amparo de Puebla
Carlos Bunga
Authors : Cecilia Delgado Masse, Alejandra Labastida
Language : Spanish
Price: $150